Daraz empowers aspiring female cricket athletes from South Asia at Asian games Hangzhou

Kathmandu : Daraz, the Official E-commerce Platform of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou, is set to bring together a group of aspiring female cricket athletes from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal to witness the world-class sporting event.
Taking place from September 23 to October 8, 2023, the Asian Games Hangzhou is renowned as the world's second-largest multi-sport event, following only the Olympics.
Through this endeavor, Daraz aims to empower the next generation of South Asian female athletes by providing them with the unique opportunity to watch Women's cricket played at the highest international level, according to a press release.
This experience will allow these athletes to learn from the best in the world, enhancing their skills and gaining invaluable insights. For many of these athletes, this journey represents their first solo venture abroad, offering them newfound perspectives, independence, and life skills that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact.
Nuzhat Sabah Firdaus, a 23-year-old local academy cricket player from Bangladesh, expressed her gratitude and excitement about this unique opportunity, stating, “I am deeply honoured to have been selected as part of this initiative by Daraz.
It is an immense privilege to witness Cricket being played on such a grand international stage, and I believe that this opportunity will allow me to grow in more ways than one. Cricket has been my passion since the tender age of 6, and I can hardly contain my excitement as I look forward to participating and experiencing this incredible journey.”
Cheryl Ang, Daraz regional chief marketing officer, shared her perspective on the initiative: Daraz has always remained steadfast in its mission to uplift communities, and this initiative holds a special place in my heart. It underscores our enduring commitment to empowering underserved communities - and female athletes are one of them. We believe that through initiatives like these, we can bring about positive change, one step at a time.”
असोज ५, २०८० शुक्रबार १२:२५:२७ मा प्रकाशित
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