Shah group cheated 22 American citizens of 38 crores, British and Canadians were also cheated

Kathmandu: The police have suggested four cases against 19 people, including Prithvi Bahadur Shah, who is accused of defrauding American citizens. It has been revealed that the group has cheated 38 crores.
The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police held a press conference in Kathmandu on Wednesday and informed that the group including Shah, his brother Vijayvikram Shah has been investigated for fraud against individuals, crimes related to documents, cooperative fraud and organized crime.Seven people including Prithvi Bahadur Shah were arrested and investigated after the American Embassy in Nepal informed about the complaint that American citizens were cheated.
CIB spokesperson Superintendent of Police Sanjaysingh Thapa said that during the investigation Seven people including Prithvi involved in that incident have been arrested and 13 others are absconding.
Spokesman Thapa also said that there is a legal provision that everyone involved in the incident will be given compensation to the victims and 7 years imprisonment and a fine of 70,000.
The amount they earned through fraud is 38 crores, 86 lakhs 62 thousand rupees.
So far, 24 victims have filed a complaint against them through the American Embassy in Nepal.
It has been revealed that some Canadian and British citizens have also been victimized by them and the investigation has been started, the police said. They used to defraud American citizens of that amount on various pretexts such as payment of Amazon and anti-virus update, etc.
Banks have withheld Rs 1 crore 28 lakh 93 thousand 85 out of the amount brought to Nepal by fraud. He used his political power after the Nepal Rastra Bank stopped the money brought into Nepal from America.
फागुन १७, २०७९ बुधबार १८:४३:०० मा प्रकाशित
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